Written by Land Rover enthusiasts who live the Land Rover Life, every quarterly issue is packed with great Land Rover builds from concours rebuilds to outrageously modified, classic Land Rovers, honest reviews of the latest Land Rovers and Range Rovers, greenlaning along roads less travelled, Land Rover adventures from around the world, buying and selling advice from our expert team, advice on keeping your Land Rover running smoothly, product upgrades, parts and new accessories, plus tried and tested reviews and much more!
It takes all sorts
Old dog. New tricks • Brian Hartley wouldn’t describe himself as a Luddite by any means, but he’s a fan of basic technology. What does he make of the ludicrous supercharged V8 Defender 110, then?
Your pictures • Show us what you’re up to; we’ll print a selection every issue Send your pics (as big as possible, please) to Neil: landroverwatty@gmail.com
Latest products • New tools, equipment and gadgets in the Land Rover marketplace
Tried & Tested • There’s nothing quite like assessing products in real world conditions
Summer meet-up was really needed
The name game
Defender or Series? • When the classic Defender stopped rolling off Land Rover’s Solihull production line, it ended nearly seven decades of glacial evolution. Buyers sought to snap up models before production ended, and demand increased again when the new Defender was launched. But prices have now steadied, aligning them more closely with their Series predecessors – so which should you go for?
Other Land Rover classics • We’ve majored on the Series II, IIA and III Land Rovers, plus the coil-sprung utilities/Defenders here as they’re the most mainstream, but what about the others?
Being the best • Three British Army crews competed in the Santana Trophy 2024, and despite a few mechanical maladies, were very successful
Cooking on the Hoof
High and mighty • Northumberland is a fair distance from most of the UK’s population, but with cracking scenery and fabulous greenlanes, it’s worth making the trip, reckons Neil Watterson
When another door opened • These days a four-door body is accepted as essential to the Range Rover’s DNA – but it wasn’t so back in the 1970s, explains James Taylor
Roverphile • Weird and wonderful items from the archives of the world’s leading Land Rover historian James Taylor
Off to Civvy Street • Military Land Rovers have been a thing since 1948 and they still are. But what happens when they are no longer needed?
Brave new world • The need for an Ultra-Low Emission Zone-exempt vehicle forced Nik Hammond and Leann Stratta to rethink their Land Rover fleet. The outcome is an extremely positive one
Destination: Greece • Can you get away with a complex old Range Rover for a ten-week camping adventure to the mountains of Greece? Only one way to find out…
Homeward bound • Jess and Laurens’ epic Baltic adventure comes to an end as they return to the Netherlands, but before they arrive there’s still plenty to see and do
A light less ordinary • Neil Watterson upgrades the lighting on his Defender for the nth time
Your questions • Got a Land Rover-related question you’d like answered? It can pertain to any aspect of Land Rover living. Simply drop Editor Neil a message at landroverwatty@gmail.com, and we’ll get an answer for you
Buying Guide • So, you fancy a Land Rover? Here are a few important things you should know
Forecourt • Advertising your cherished Land Rover is FREE here on the pages of LRL
Watty’s World • Land Rover Life editor Neil has owned Land Rovers for more than 35 years and the vehicles have played a significant role in his life...