Written by Land Rover enthusiasts who live the Land Rover Life, every quarterly issue is packed with great Land Rover builds from concours rebuilds to outrageously modified, classic Land Rovers, honest reviews of the latest Land Rovers and Range Rovers, greenlaning along roads less travelled, Land Rover adventures from around the world, buying and selling advice from our expert team, advice on keeping your Land Rover running smoothly, product upgrades, parts and new accessories, plus tried and tested reviews and much more!
Isn’t technology great?
Land Rover Life
The bright stuff • Many people regard the North American Spec (NAS) 90 as the best Defender ever, but even they get tired. Neil Watterson checks out a freshly restored model
Your pictures • Show us what you’re up to; we’ll print a selection every issue
Latest products • New tools, equipment and gadgets in the Land Rover marketplace
Tried & Tested • There’s nothing quite like assessing products in real world conditions
Got the Marine Blues
Summer laning: had me a blast
Land of Fire, Ice and (lots of) Water • John Pearson enjoys a visit to Iceland’s dramatic, picturesque 4x4 routes and its plentiful river crossings
On top of the world • Armed with little more than a penknife and a gung-ho attitude, Tatiana Reed buys an old Land Rover and heads straight off on a European road trip. What could possibly go wrong?
Cooking on the Hoof
EVens favourite • Could the plug-in hybrid electric Velar be the perfect Range Rover for you? Neil Watterson drives 300 miles in one to find out
Rutland Ring • Rutland may be England’s smallest county, but with great scenery, greenlanes and fantastic food, it’s worth making a detour for, says Neil Watterson
Land Rover after Life • There are a few Land Rover-based hearses ready to take you on your final journey, but this stunning 101 Forward Control build takes them to new heights
To Victor go the spoils • When her Series III failed its MoT, Emma Snowball decided it needed more than just repairing, as Ian Garner finds
Roverphile • Weird and wonderful items from the archives of the world’s leading Land Rover historian James Taylor. If you have a question or want to add something, contact James at: roverjames@btinternet.com
Launches aren’t what they used to be • Brian Hartley looks back to the launch of the One Ten in 1983. It wouldn’t happen these days
Your Shout • Got something to say to us? Drop Neil a line: landroverwatty@gmail.com
Your Land Rovers • Show us your Land Rover; we’ll print a selection every issue
Change for the better • It was a tough decision for Australian overlanders Kin and Heather Royto trade in their long-serving Discovery 2 for a new Defender, but they reckon it was worthwhile, finds John Pearson
The hunt for parts • A broken CV joint leads Jess Jacksonand Laurens de Smet to another Range Rover ambulance owner, and then into Finland
Seeking inspiration • Brian Reynolds’ Series III has been part of the family for decades – and off the road for years – but Brian is determined it will drive again
Ask Land Rover Life • Got a Land Rover-related question you’d like an answer to? It can be anything from workshop issues you’re having, to accessory queries. Drop Neil a line – email: landroverwatty@gmail.com – and we’ll get an answer for you
Buying Guide • Got your heart set on a Land Rover? Here are a few things you should know
Forecourt • Advertising your cherished Land Rover is FREE here on the pages of LRL
Next issue
Watty’s World • Land Rover Life editor Neil has owned Land Rovers for more than 35 years and the vehicles have played a significant...