Tips, tricks and teachings to help you with your Nikon.
Senior’s Nikon Camera B
Set up your new camera • Set up your Nikon digital camera, and discover how to use all the main dials, buttons, and menus
Get started with your Nikon • You’ve just got your new camera out of the box – here’s what to do next…
Camera body overview • Find your way around all of the main dials, buttons and other controls on your camera
Master the main camera controls • There are many buttons and dials on every Nikon, but there are three main controls you need to master to access many of your Camera’s functions and features
Navigate the menus • Find what you’re looking for fast using your camera’s built-in menu system
Set the camera file options • Format your memory card, set the correct time and date, and define the image quality you want to use
Learn essential techniques • Vital camera techniques you need to learn, from holding your camera correctly to using the viewfinder and Live View
How to hold your camera • Discover the right way to hold your camera. You’ll look the part next to fellow photographers, and you’ll get sharper shots
Viewfinder and Live View mode • Most Nikon cameras offer two ways to frame your shots. Here are the pros and cons of both options
How to read the viewfinder • Make sense of all the numbers and pictograms around the image
The rear LCD • Find out how to use the rear LCD to reveal all the important settings and information
Take your first picture • Discover how to use the shutter release button and how to transfer photos to your computer
Transfer your photos to your computer • Copy your pictures to your PC for editing, storing or sharing using a USB cable or card reader
Exposure modes explained • Discover how to choose the appropriate exposure mode for a given scene on your Nikon digital SLR camera
Fully automatic and scene modes • Let your digital SLR take control of all the settings for you with the automatic and scene modes
Exposure basics • Want to wean yourself off fully automatic mode? Read our guide to the basics of exposure…
Program mode • Learn about the exposure controls by using program mode, and discover how ISO affects your images
Program shift • Take creative control of program mode using the shift feature to refine the exposure settings
Aperture priority mode • Take full control of the aperture setting on your Nikon by mastering aperture priority mode
Shutter priority mode • Control the look of photos featuring moving subjects using your D-SLR’s shutter speed
Manual exposure mode • Take complete creative control of your digital SLR and learn how to balance exposures
Manual for landscapes • Manual exposure mode makes it easy to tame tricky sunrises and sunsets
Using bulb mode • Expose scenes for longer than 30 seconds using the bulb setting in manual exposure mode
Focusing • Ensure your photos are sharp no matter how fast the subject is moving, nor how dark the lighting you’re shooting in
The basics of autofocus • Learn how the default autofocus settings on your Nikon can help you get sharp photos
Focus points explained • Master focusing on off-centre subjects in your scenes by selecting the right focus point
Single servo autofocus • Use the single-servo autofocus mode to get sharp pictures of static subjects
Continuous servo autofocus • Set up your Nikon to focus on moving subjects to get sharp sports and action photos
Manual focusing • Take total control over the focusing by switching your lens to manual
Live View and image review • Use your camera’s Live View and...