Why do we yawn? How do trees speak ot each other? Can we control our dreams? Find out the world's most bizarre and fascinating facts inside Science+Nature: Weird Science.
Bring science to life • Find out how to make your own weird and wonderful discoveries.
Bizarre Nature
Feline faces • A new study has found that cats have nearly 300 facial expressions.
Animal eyes • Take a close-up look at different creatures’ peepers.
Animal mimics • From walking sticks to parrots, meet the animal kingdom’s biggest copycats.
Two species at once • From grolar bears to narlugas, hybrids are more common than you think.
Sounds of the sea • From snappy shrimp to whooping damselfish, coral reefs are a cacophony of noise.
Coprophagia • From picnicking on poo to feasting on faeces, this is the stinky science of why animals eat dung.
Spicy science • Feeling hot, hot, hot! Find out how scientists rank chilli peppers.
Forensic entomology • Catching criminals using creepy-crawlies.
Doggy doubles • Why do pet dogs and their owners look alike?
The wood wide web • Find out how trees secretly speak to each other beneath our feet.
Make an autumn tree • Celebrate the wonder of nature with this simple project.
The butterfly effect • Can an insect flapping its wings really trigger a storm on the other side of the world?
Amazing Humans
Lucid dreaming • What if you could control your own dreams?
The secrets of speed • Find out why thinking you’re a jet plane can make you run faster.
Walk on the wild side • Meet the scientists who “became” animals.
Extreme isolation • Lock yourself away with the scientists studying the effects of living completely alone.
Scatology • The smelly science of poo.
Uncombable hair syndrome • If you wake up in the morning looking like a scarecrow, there may be a scientific reason…
The science of yawning • Why are yawns so contagious? It’s a wide-open question!
The sting pain index • Justin Schmidt has been stung by more than 1,000 insects, all in the name of science.
DIY science • When scientists experiment on themselves, it can lead to some startling results.
Synaesthesia • Meet the people who can taste sounds and hear colours.
Sound science • Discover the power of vibrations with these three noise-making activities.
World’s Weirdest Jobs
Poo diver • Is there a worse job than scuba diving into sewage?
Tiger dentist • What happens when a tiger gets toothache?
Water slide designer • Grab your swimming kit – it’s time to dive into the thrilling science of water slides.
Fireworks designer • Discover how scientists light up the sky with breathtaking displays.
Colour magic • If you think liquids are boring, then think again! These colourful experiments show you the magical properties of everyday materials.
Iceberg wrangler • How do you move an iceberg that’s as big as a football pitch?
Snake-venom milker • Collecting snake venom can be a vital way to save lives.
Strange Science
Pareidolia • The science behind seeing faces in unusual places.
Earworms • Ever had a song stuck in your head? Blame the earworms…
Bubbleology • Bubbles don’t just look pretty – they’re also bursting with unexpected science.
Bubble power! • Master the science behind blowing bubbles.
Cryonics • Can people frozen after they die be brought back to life?
Human cheese • This stinky food is made using celebrity bacteria.
Slooooooow studies...