PawPrint Dogs: Inside Their World
Deepening Our Bond • What do dogs really think about us? That puzzle has been at the center of decades of research. Science is starting to put the pieces together.
ChapterOne THE CANINE MIND • While each pup is unique, there are some traits and behaviors that dogs tend to share.
Behind Their Personality • While breed can be a partial predictor of a dog’s disposition, many other factors help shape who your pet is.
How Dogs Communicate • They may not be able to speak, but dogs can show what they’re thinking and feeling through body language and other cues.
WHY DOGS PUT THEIR EARS BACK • It’s a clue to what’s going through their mind.
Managing Phobias • Dogs can’t tell us what scares them, but many pups cower at the same triggers. Understanding these fears can help you ease your pooch’s anxieties.
Understanding Dementia • When dogs age, their minds change, just like humans’. Some research-backed advice can ease their golden years.
HOW TO PET A DOG • No two pups are exactly alike. Learning how to pet different dogs—and why some don’t want petting—can ease stress all around.
ChapterTwo UNDERSTANDING BEHAVIORS • Why is he doing that? Experts shed light on the source of some puzzling habits.
How to Stop Biting • Though light nips and nibbles are a part of puppyhood, persistent biting can become a problem.
Sleeping the Day Away • If your dog isn’t bouncing off the walls, he’s nodding off somewhere comfy. It’s normal for dogs to need a lot of shut-eye, but sometimes it can signal a problem.
Your Dog Eats Dirt! • Does it even taste good? Experts explain why your pooch gobbles up the ground.
YOU WINKING AT ME? • No, he’s not flirting. Your pooch may just be checking in.
Uh-Oh, Did I Do That? • Vandals, thieves, and beggars! Here’s how to handle the most common headaches.
ChapterThree MASTERING THEIR CARE • Want to be the best owner ever? Some scientifically proven advice can help keep your dog safe, happy, and thriving.
The Quest for Longer Life • Scientists are working to lengthen dogs’ average lifespan.
The Cost of a Dog • Make sure you can afford it before you bring in an expensive new family member.
The Social Factor • Want your new puppy to thrive? Exposing them to a variety of people and animals can help.
Walk This Way • It might sound easy, but walking a dog safely and comfortably requires some expert tips.
The Best Way to Train • Experts agree that successfully teaching new behaviors involves keeping things positive.
Old Dog, New Tricks • With time, patience, and plenty of treats, many senior dogs can keep up with young pups.
PawPrint Dogs: Inside Their World